Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @11:41 AM

Aren't you proud?
♥ every page of my imagination
Friday, June 15, 2007 @12:15 PM

To be honest, I only started watching the new ABC show
Traveler because of Pyro. I am a huge dork (it's so bright outside this closet) and watched all three
X-Men movies. Aaron Stanford rocked the crap out of Pyro in the latter two. He also has the potential to be very hot. So when I saw him in a promo during
being all "sorry" on the phone with a couple other hot guys, I was all, "totally gonna watch this." My expectations were subterranean.
But then a funny thing happened. I watched the pilot and was hooked. Within a minute, man. It took me about three episodes to get as hooked on Heroes, which is a much stronger concept than "let's-blow-up-a-building-and-see-what-happens." And yet, I find myself sympathizing with the douchebag rich boy Tyler, the overly-serious Jay, and even Terrorist Boy himself, Will Traveler.
♥ every page of my imagination
♥ every page of my imagination