Tuesday, March 27, 2007 @2:27 PM

Abby is way, way sick today, and since she shares this computer with her family, it would be quite rude to continue to contaminate it.
:) Ta-ta for now.
Labels: flu, sick, sneezing
♥ every page of my imagination
Monday, March 26, 2007 @1:44 PM

Okay, so I'm going to start a thing where every Monday I review a new movie on this humble little excuse of a blog. I feel guilty about not posting all weekend (I know! I'm weird.) Today I'm going to start with what is possibly my favorite movie ever:
I was exposed to this wonderful movie by the fantabulous subscription-DVD-program
called Ironweed. My oldest brother got it for a birthday present, but since he's gone to college I get to watch them first. :D
Genesis has so far been my favorite, but every week it's something new and wonderful. I have learned from so many different points of veiws by watching movies, it's really amazing.
Genesis follows the journey of life on earth, from the tiniest of amoebas to mammals like you and me. It's narrated by an old, wise black man who sits in front of a pot of water through the entire movie. I don't really get that part. Perhaps it's supposed to symbolize the boiling pot of...life? He speaks in another language, so it's subtitled, but there's not a lot of talking. It's a very artistic film, in that of the 81 minutes of the movie, more than an hour is just silent, nature sounds and all that.
It starts out with cells, joining together, forming invertabrates, about ten minutes of underwater creatures, including several very breathtaking shots of a jellyfish swimming around. It sounds really boring, but the camera is crazy hi-definition and to any artist or art appreciator it's life-changing experience. Then we move on land, to the mudskipper, who is the most adorable
amphibian ever. We watch it as it builds its home. We also get glimpses of other amphibians, but not for very long.
Then there's, like, seven minutes of a snake eating an egg. I KID YOU NOT. But it's so close up that you can actually see the muscles constricting to crush the egg and then pushing it back out. You can practically see through the skin of the snake. It's that... mind-blowing.
There's some other great scenes, like the nine minutes of pure, bubbling lava near the beginning, or the turtle sex. I had to cover my eyes for the latter, though, it's terribly odd.
In conclusion, go out right this second and but Genesis. Your very life depends on it! Or at least enriching your very life, but you know, whatever floats your boat. If you want to go about your day thoroughly unenriched so be it, none of my business.
Labels: omniscient narrators, snakes, the french
♥ every page of my imagination
Friday, March 23, 2007 @2:52 PM

Mika is the greatest thing to happen to music in a very, very long me. And his first single, "Love Today" is probably the happiest song I've ever heard. It makes me feel like I'm sitting in the bay window with warm, sweet sun kissing my face. Seriously, it's that awesome. Tip: don't read the lyrics. It's a bit of a downer.
Check out the video here.
His website is yonder.
Happy Friday!
Labels: smiles, sugary goodness, sunshine
♥ every page of my imagination
Thursday, March 22, 2007 @1:43 PM

I balls-out love
Heroes. Probably more than is actually healthy. It's a great new show from NBC that took all of
Studio 60's lead-up hype and smashed it to bits. That is, at least, my theory. Everyone watched
Heroes first and then they were like, "Wait, which power does that coke guy have? None? Well, then why am I watching it?" At least, that's what I did. But I ended up watching
S60 out of pure pity. Hey, Sorkin, remember
Sports Night?
When you were not a douchebag?!
Heroes has everything one could ever want in a TV show. It's
Lost but faster paced. I'm sure
Heroes gets so tired of that comparison. I'm sorry. It's
Law & Order without all the law...and order. Although one of the characters is a cop. Oh, and the similarities don't end there! Every now and again dead people show up, courtesy of the very evil Sylar, who is pictured/ridiculed above. Tomorrow I wake up without my brain. But it's cool, 'cause I'll post pictures.
First you got your core cast. It consists of that damn cheerleader you keep hearing so much

about, a pair of overly-affectionate yet foxy Italian brothers, an adorable Japanese cube-fairy who stops time, a crazy chick, the thought police, and an Indian guy who's the Professor X to every else's Mutant Academy. Then there's the peripherals, who generally exist to have relationships with the mutants, but also serve as target practice. Case in point: Simone. You shall be missed, if only for your pretty hair.
The show is on haitus right now, though, so there are no new episodes until the television advertisements tell me so. I'll keep you posted.
This show has taught me much in its almost-season run so far. 1) Superpowers are cool. 2) If I had superpowers, I kill people, too. 3) Even the worst examples of stick figure art can be

important in the scheme of things. 4) Heroin sux. That last bit was actually gleaned from some graffiti carved into a door in my school; however, it was reinforced by Isaac, a.k.a. Mr. IPAINTTHEFUTURE.
I really like the idea of
Heroes as a graphic novel on television. I'm a second-generation comic book lover, although while my father compulsively read every DC superhero, I just liked the Sailor Moon comics. I know enough about the world in there to appreciate the little cinematic touches like the title scroll, or the juxtaposition of objects on a desk. But I'm not so into it as to recognize every tiny little detail ripped off from
X-Men. Practically the entire idea is ripped from
X-Men, man, tell me something I don't know.
Any show that can make me scream with laughter one minute then sob hysterically the next is something special. I can only hope that its success doesn't go to its head and mess around up there like it did with Lost (Sorry. It was a necessity). I hope they don't start repeating superpowers. Or complicating the relationships between the characters. You pulled the "who's-your-daddy" thing off once, but don't think you'll get lucky again. And I reeeally hope they don't kill off DL, the sweetest most adorable character ever!
In conclusion, brains. :D
Labels: brains, herion, stick figures
♥ every page of my imagination
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 @4:30 PM

I've loved movies ever since my dad took me to see
Jurassic Park in theaters. Opening night. It's amazing I remember that, because it was released in June of '93, which means I was two. I also remember kicking my mom in the face when she was changing my diaper, and I was potty-trained by my first birthday. And yet I can't remember what I did in third period today. Tangent alert!
Back to the dinosaurs. I recall running out of the theater screaming when the guy got eaten when he was in the john, then vomiting on a random usher. What was he doing just walking around the hallway? Didn't he have a job? Well, after that I rewatched the movie at least once a year. I can recite whole scenes. I own the sequel...s. And almost all of the action figures. I used to make the raptors pilot the Star Ship Enterprise and the T-Rex take the Millenium Falcon and as I type this I realize why I had no friends growing up.
My favorite action figures where the chompies, though. The little bitty dinosaurs who devoured people? Yeah. I think they were in the second movie. Also, I don't think they were actually called chompies, because I'm GoogleImaging every imaginable spelling and I keep getting pictures of donuts. I liked them because they were tiny and had sharp little tails that I used to pull back and whip my brothers in the face with them. They hurt like hell.

Ever since then I've loved movies. Any kind of movies. Documentaries, dramas, comedies.
Glitter, even. I'm very forgiving. Ever since I realized that there are actually people who write movies - not so long ago, mind you - I knew I wanted to be a movie writer. Or whatever the technical term is. So in twenty years when you find yourself watching the latest flick I wrote during a painkillers-induced week-long hallucination, just remember: blame
Jurassic Park, not the doctor I swiped the prescription pad from. He didn't
Labels: dinosaurs, drugs, potty training
♥ every page of my imagination